Hellebores don't last as cut flowers.....
Errr oh yes they do! These were cut just as one flower on the stem had gone to seed and were conditioned correctly. These beautiful stems have since spent the day on a picnic table at a rather windy point to point and then graced my Easter lunch table and are still going strong a week later. Here's how I did it......
Like I mentioned, the best time to cut your hellebore is after at least one flower on the stem has been pollenated and has set seed.
Then as soon as you have cut (always cut the stem on a 45 degree angle to encourage water uptake) plunge the stem into boiling water - yes really! Give it a good 30 mins or so then top up with room temperature water and leave in a cool dark room - preferably overnight.
Alternatively you could try floating flower heads in a beautiful bowl or pretty tea cup. Again these pretties have lasted a good week and are still going strong.